
In defence of being pardoned

  In defence of being pardoned, Youthful way’s growing pains. Big feet stumble on the crack Unable to explain; a scene, An act, and we the actors   A room with items various Of origin and shape The wondering Is cumbersome,   I wonder Of each item’s significance Some, Like this copper cutlery holder Need more explaining.   Through children we live vicariously Life full of effort With pain, Bad upbringing Troubled By feelings left untended   Of the comforts of home I have no claim; A table, a chair, a window Snow, destitution How did the polar man survive? But that a child Dared to test the ice.   Community in cities Foundation strength accepts All who dare   Porcupine bids me, Take this quill in hand. As instructed by beaver of whose people you are Construct lines Cross the gap A soul submerged Deep in the mud of time.   Amidst the sleeping snow.   No pain; but a life Not ice; but strong should

Finding my Target market for this Blog.

  I have come to accept the limited value of my contributions.  There is no easy way to say this…I do not think I am reaching my target market with this blog. Yes, opinions, news, narrative pieces are products. Mine are the products I want to sell. They are assembled from the substance of my heart and to the extent they incorporate some verifiable facts you might find value in gaining my perspective, if you have an appetite for anti-bureaucracy and anti-newspeak.   Example: Russian trolls are invading our news feeds using methods that reflect the chaos that is part of their lives by simply being Russian. It is obvious to those watching the video of a soldier unpacking his new armored vest to find no breast plate, instead three slats of hard wood are meant to stop bullets, and he exclaims, “This has never happened before, but it is happening again. “   I feel as though I am unpacking this sort of statement several times a day while consuming mainstream media. It is not the con

Under the Carpet - by Kenth Cound

 This post was originally made on June 27, 2024 but it is now modified to remove names Senior Legal counsel and My assigned legal counsel from PIPSC, so as to preserve the integrity of the arguments. My assigned legal counsel from PIPSC, screwed me over.   It occurred on a day in May 2023. He may have gotten directions from PIPSC senior legal counsel to throw me under the bus any way he could.   It was a great arrangement since legal did not want to represent me since they considered me to be an unsavory member of the union steward contingent. It worked out for My assigned legal counsel from PIPSC as well since he had gotten a job offer from a larger public service union and he wanted to get my cases off his plate as soon as possible so he could move on. My assigned legal counsel from PIPSC might not agree with this summary however to suggest that he was just bested by the legal council for the employer would be too simplistic. He was given explicit instructions from me to negotiate

Thinking and Instinct

  Thinking is comprised of chemical processes producing physical reactions in neocortex neural pathways. These events lead to strengthening of associations between adjacent neurons reinforcing the likelihood that they will be used again should the need arise. In this model synapsis are prone to replicate since the basic structure of the neocortex does not change radically from day to day, while it also allows for the principal of plasticity. The mind is a function of the human brain organ. It processes information. It does so at the rate it is received by my senses.  This rate may be seen as posing a number of limitations.  We know of two opposing phenomenon namely mental overload and boredom. These occur in the neo-cortex at a rate determined by an individuals memory functions. Information arriving faster than the mind can make sense of is supplemented by processing in the amygdala that reconstitutes information and fits its results into a framework developed over time and often ref

Identifying the Enemy

Originally posted 6 March, 2024. It was modified to remove the name (s) of real people in an attempt to preserve the integrity of the arguments contained therein. Hi. My name is Kenth. Based on my experiences, I believe human beings are guided by principals. These can be as simple as pleasure and pain; maximize one, avoid the other. For the most part we have a concept of a friend. People or a person who will be counted on if the pain grows to be unbearable or your pleasure become too elusive. We have empathy in our friend. By contrast we can only hope, at best for a degree of compassion from our enemy. I was told by a wise person who shall remain nameless, that I should not look for friends in the workplace. In hindsight those words made sense but left a great deal of human endeavor to be void of humanity. Reducing work to a sterile experiment. In my pedagogy I learned that there was a good argument for equality of the sexes, both in the workplace as well as in the home or other so

To be, or not to be a team player (Originally posted Jan 11, 2020)

If by team you are referring to the Unions of my brothers and sisters then, you should probably be a good union person.  Someone who knows their collective agreement and who is aware of conditions of the workplace which could lead to a conflict between management's and labour's objectives. As a union person you seek to lift every worker's standard of living, not just those who pay dues, or those who work in your tidy little corner of the shop, but for all workers. There is a proposition for you; stop focusing on your group membership and start focusing on your species membership. It is not to say that socialism is the only way to make progress.  It is not as though we are strapped to this railroad track with the hoot-hoot of the capitalists racing in head long. But it is the union way. It is an ideology which is not bound by geographical space but acts like a liberating force, allowing people from all backgrounds to assemble under the sun.  It is an intellectual space, an

Where speaking truth to power is pointless.

An update to this blog, originally posted in September 2023 to remove references to a real person were made in an attempt to preserve the integrity of the arguments.  In the aftermath of my “resignation” from TBS, I reached out to the primary antagonist of the situation, the top bureaucrat in the corporate services sector. After she accepted my contact request, I attempted to engage her in reassessing a nasty turn in events she helped bring on. There are two points of contention I wanted her to take another look at. There was the lack of requirement on the part of those who use the PSPM (Public Service Performance Management) system to sign their entries. And the other was the work objectives which were assigned to a small group of individuals in the AMG (Access management Group) in the IT solution section which she oversaw. Sous-ministre adjointe Services ministériels chez Secrétariat du Conseil du Trésor | Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat SEP 2 Kenth Cound sent the