
Showing posts from July, 2024

Finding my Target market for this Blog.

  I have come to accept the limited value of my contributions.  There is no easy way to say this…I do not think I am reaching my target market with this blog. Yes, opinions, news, narrative pieces are products. Mine are the products I want to sell. They are assembled from the substance of my heart and to the extent they incorporate some verifiable facts you might find value in gaining my perspective, if you have an appetite for anti-bureaucracy and anti-newspeak.   Example: Russian trolls are invading our news feeds using methods that reflect the chaos that is part of their lives by simply being Russian. It is obvious to those watching the video of a soldier unpacking his new armored vest to find no breast plate, instead three slats of hard wood are meant to stop bullets, and he exclaims, “This has never happened before, but it is happening again. “   I feel as though I am unpacking this sort of statement several times a day while consuming mainstream media. It is not the con